Hellohs , :D
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Monday, April 6, 2009 -{'5:41 PM
Title : [ sorry, aint what it seems. ]
i decided to post this post using black fonts.
easy to read.

hms, jst came back after some suki at punggol plaza with liangjie.
din wna come home so early,
but had nothin much to do,
like seriously.
had many things in mind,
yet very hard to fulfill.

have this sudden urge of strawberry shortcake.
its never gna be delivered to my doorstep anymore.
i know your trying your best now,
but giving up in a way.
i know its all me ,
but why does it have to end in such a way?
i need awhile,
its me,
i know.

you , you, you and you.
so many yous in my mind.
which you is the real you?
a you is dedicated ,
a you is hard to understand,
a you is insecure,
and a you is one i missed.
what fuck?
i jst thought if i aint so fickled minded,
or so paranoid in a way,
(but not as joh is) oops.
i might have jst settled down with a you,
and live my happily ever after fairytale.
am i not right?

hongguo would too.
and so does johanna THE GREAT ( hope this would make it all up)
so does honey wendy or royston.
or rather august, darren.
hahs, random. x=

missed the old times.
so what,
time can never be turned back,
like as much as you want.
still NO. ):

some regretted being with their loved ones before,
but have you ever asked yourself,
why do i love him/her in the first place?
and dedicate myself to him/her.
like, when you know you two are bound to break up in the end,
why try?
why had you cry when you quarrelled, so terribly.
because, love is unpredictable.
you might say, i regretted.
but what about the lovely moments , or the wonderful times?
aint that meant to be sweet memories?
what happens to the time, you fell, hurt yourself,
and there a hand is out for you to reach for.
moved on.
you should be happy for each other tht you both moved on right?
like, not getting on your nerves anymore.
hurting the other party is a way to show tht your jealous,
feeling unstable about the other party's life.
or its jst you to do things this way.
hms, chilll peeeeps.
jst wish each other happy,
and farewell! (:
solves the problem, fast and easy.

im sorry.
i loved you.
but what lies ahead is one obstacle.
a maze.
solve this puzzle before you say you love me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009 -{'4:21 PM
Title : [ goodbyes; harder than it seems. ]
yesterday went cine,
supposedly to eat sakura,
but yet it was fully booked.
so ended up eating some koufu.
and went k garden.

enjoyable moments never last.

was suppose to find the S.A.M machine
august told me theres one at serangoon garden.
so went there with no worries,
to find tht its actually the AXS machine. ):
and there goes my o levels for this year.

funny, aint it?
hahs, re taking at such an awesome year.

jst in case my years in poly jst dont end,
and diploma jst dont come.
i got to do some preparations though.

forever love?
hahs, it never existed.
i guess.

gooodbyes are really hard,
cant bear to,
but yet,
sorrys are even harder.
you were once my fairytale,
my forever love,
my love,
my life.
i dont know what i'll do without you.
but now,
i got to learn to go without you.
learn to live without you by my side.
waiting use to be familiar.
but not anymore.
you use to be here always,
even on rainy days,
you'll be here.
and now, not even a word.
no misses, no cant bear to, no nothing.

i guess, im at fault,
and yet ive been so stubborn and ridiculous.
we jst might not be meant to be.
people says,
its not worth it.
but yet, i refuse to listen.
and now,
ends up in such awful state.
dirty mess.


i'm getting on with my life without you,
jst fine.
please, let me go.

i hate seeing you happy without me,
selfish, i know.
yet, i dont deserve anything.

dynj, loves.


The Lady!♥


mabel <3
republic poly


[ ]get a diploma!
[ ]RED ipodtouch.
[ ]GUCCI bag.
[ ]moreeeee money!.
