Hellohs , :D
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009 -{'10:54 PM
Title : [ warms the heart. ]

hehs, woke up like super early today. ):
but I'M SICK. )):
soooooo sick sick sick!

but benefits were awarded too! (:
my lunch, my favourite cake, some herbel tea
were delivered specially to my doorstep.
thanks sweeeet! (:

but my sickness aint getting better though. x=
help help help!

stayed at home for the past 2 days.
was wondering about saving money issues.
my goal's to save up to 5 k by end of the year.
which is apparently, impossible,
with my large spending for this whole,
"10 weeks" of holidays.
which is apparently, almost 3 damn months.
and to add on,
i'd not been going to school for the past semester,
so tht makes my holidays, about a whole damn year,
plus many months, & days counting.

and sooooo,
its april fool's day tmr,
and tht means, 20 more days to go.
until school officially starts.
new classmates, new facis, new classrooms, new year. new modules! ):
its turning me off.

i'm having this whole load of stuffs in my mind tht i got to shop!
and of course a whole load of matters to be looked upon.

a cake
melts the heart,
eased the pain,
livened the spirit.
thanks lovely. (:

Monday, March 30, 2009 -{'6:52 PM
Title : [ ]
Staring at the glass in front of me
Is it half empty?
Have I ruined all you've given me?
I know I've been selfish
I know I've been foolish
But look through that and you will see
That I'll do better
I know, baby I can do better

If you leave me tonight
I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies
If you leave me tonight

Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping
I listen to your breathing
Amazed how I somehow managed to
Sweep you off of your feet girl
Your perfect little feet girl
I took for granted what you do
But I'll do better
I know, baby I can do better

stay close, dont go.

-{'6:41 PM
Title : [ stay close, don't go. ]
hahs, right now.
at this exact moment.
i'm siting on bed, having a damn flu,
which is never going away.
and, apparently, coughing like theres no tmr.
and yes, I'M SICK. ):

mood's down,
health's down,
breaking down. ):

Thursday, March 19, 2009 -{'12:50 AM
Title : [ ]

people always say,
there will always be a rainbow after a storm.
if your lucky, it would be jst one whole stretch right infront of your eyes.
if your not so, mayb it might jst be sort of fading away.
or, it might jst be a clear sky with mr sun coming out .

hms, rainbow can be very beautiful, but yet it comes out only after a terrible storm.
its jst like how people gooooo,
when couple understand each other more,
often is due to after some terrible quarrels or some pathetic situations.
that they actually bond well, and sweetness actually bloomssss.

but still, got to go through so manymanymanymany things.


how boringggggg.

went to plaza with nothing in mind,
and went home with loads of things crumbling up.
jumbling like fuck. ):

so what is it about people tht attracts people to people.
okays, seems complicated.

nvm, im soooo jumbled up right now,
why cant you jst make things clearer to me. ):

missedyou so much.
but yet,
i dont know what am i to you.

Monday, March 16, 2009 -{'11:46 AM
Title : [ ]

5 whole days are over!
had been working like hell in the it fair. x=

and, have decided to work in the shop though,
but not very sure whether they would accept me or not.
many things happened,
and retribution came, and went.

she might just be a girl that's captured your heart,
because of her, appearance, her beauty, her sweetness.
or rather, she might just had been there for you,
for the pass 5 days.
you might think you 2 could work out,
but no,
she's not even abit interested in you,
rather than you not interested in her.
what a day.
so eventually, you came back.
having this life contradiction.
which is incorrigible,
i believed you at first, and yet you took my trust for granted.
you made a scene,
you were angry.
so what? aint others too?
you thought, my heart can be played,
can be easily soften just by a few words, a few expression.
but no,
im not.
i was too stupid to even believe it might be a misunderstanding in the first place.
and so, you asked her out, and yet denied.
but still admitted.
if you want to why not just admit in the first place?
oh, now i get it.
she rejected you, and you didtn want to cause misunderstandings between us.
but if she agreed, you will be so different.
am i not right.

all those words,
were all just a contradiction to defend yourself,
you dont bother about me being utterly hurt.

i'm having my new life,
so happy, without you in it.
so, go on, see who would be the right one for you.
good luck,
but a word of advice.
not all girls can stand the way you handle things.

(: (: (:

and i missed chelsea!

what a wonderful 5 days. (:

Thursday, March 12, 2009 -{'1:06 AM
Title : [ a dramatic night. ]

my loveliest. (:
arghs! ):
mabel's in a very bad mood today.

like seriously,
whats so good about pursuing something that you wont ever get.
what the fuck is wrong with people nowadays!
hms, i seriously am very disappointed with certain people,
and yet have different emotions all jumbled up.
kinda weird, yet crazy.

can i like know, what the fuck is wrong with me?!

i hate not knowing what to do at a certain point,
hate guessing what others would think,
hate not taking control of situations and get totally and i mean TOTALLY lost in it.
recently, ive been up to such situations.

and at this point,
" why do all good things come to an end?"

i wonderrrrr.

august ong is going into army like, a few hours later from now,
and joh's gna miss him like mad,
and we are toooo.
andddd, i guess people are having fun in liangjie's.
anddddd, went to drink abit.
andddddddddddddd, cried like a fucking retard.
andddddd, THERE'S STILL WORK TMR. )x

bad mood,
bad mood,
bad mood!

i wonder if its the every month thing,
thats making me so damn unstable.

at this point in time,
i've got several wishes in mind.

1) i wish august would be taken very good care of, and be safe in camp,
and joh not thinking too much about several things.
2)i wish, wendy and royston, our love birds would remain as loving as ever.
3) i wish, mingkang would be more INITIATIVE. lols.
4) i wish, liangjie would let me punch him.
5) i wish, hongguo would still be the sensible guy, that we can always count on.
6) i wish xuanming would be happy, (: stay cheerful as ever.
7) i wish chanel will stay as pretty!
8) i wish you will be there for me always, no matter what.
9) i wish xiaojie would be able to satisfy his needs~ lols.


miss you.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 -{'1:06 AM
Title : [ ]
alright, found this very very very random picture,
tht totally's my feelings right about now.
hahs, derive it yourself. (:

so damn long never post le.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, (:

so boring nowadays,
no interesting news or rather inspirational speeches to, well,
post about.
i'm just wondering, what is love all about?
i've thought of it , and blogged about it before.
but still,
it seems to be a mystery.
so complicated, so unrealistic.
fantasies, dreams, fairytales, REALITY and so on.

we're living in a world full of realities,
and full of hurt.
somebody once told me,

" when you're in love, your opening yourself to get unnecessary hurts."
by : johanna the great!

anyways, love is all about sacrificing something for another.
this point, i doubt so.
its more of a willing thing, than a logic thing though.
like, if you love someone,
you'd be more than willing to do something for the other party.
like, supposedly.

terrible and incorrigible, complicating.

my friend, had this relationship problem,
and is damn annoyed yet, crazy over it.
hms, so what for being crazy, when your annoyed.
what for being annoyed when your crazy?
________ > > waiting for joh to give me the correct word.

and sooooo,
life still goes on. hahs.
unfortunately, for people who dont cherish things before them,
might end up losing certain precious, that they treasured.
but so what,
life goes on. (:

and i saw this rather random post of a person's blog.
he wrote a song.
it was suppose to be very sweet,
and it eventually is.
however, jst a couple of mistakes though,
but still, not bad.
hahs, random~

good luck people! (:
i'm going to it fair to work tmr!
and neeed to wake up like, 7?!



The Lady!♥


mabel <3
republic poly


[ ]get a diploma!
[ ]RED ipodtouch.
[ ]GUCCI bag.
[ ]moreeeee money!.
